California Suboxone Doctors
Directory of California Suboxone Physicians and Detox Programs

Suboxone California is a listing service for any and all California based doctors or treatment programs that are licenced to use suboxone (aka subutex or buprenorphine) for treatment of drug addiction. Suboxone is used to dampen the symptoms of withdrawal during detox to opiates. Withdrawal from opiates like heroin and addictive prescription pain medications like Vicodan, Percocet and Oxycontin often results in an uncomfortable, painful and sometimes dangerous detox.

Suboxone, which is regulated and administered by a licensed physician, allows patients to rapidly detox from opiates with less withdrawal and therefore a higher likelihood of overall addiction recovery. Suboxone California is a listing of nearly 1,000 physicians who are licensed to administer Suboxone.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction to heroin, pain meds or other opioids, you may want to look into a treatment facility that can handle both detox from opiates and re-establishing healthy life patterns, aftercare and relapse prevention. If you’re interested in help after physician administered suboxone treatment, check out out listings of Suboxone Detox Facilites that offer Suboxone as part of their treatment.

Thank you for visiting and good luck in finding all the help needed in this struggle. For immediate help call our free helpline (888) 594-8501.